Please read our donation request guidelines.
It is important that your request meet our guidelines or the request will be denied.
Lufkin Coca Cola Donation Request Form
Lufkin Coca Cola is committed to supporting the communities of Angelina, Polk and Trinity counties. One means of that support is in the form of providing discounted product pricing to non-profit groups and organizations. Some requests will be honored in lieu of others depending on the mission of the requesting organization. Lufkin Coca Cola's support is primarily focused on schools, children and non-profit groups. Please realize we will not be able to accommodate all donation requests.
Donation Policy
· Donations will primarily be in the form of discounted pricing on purchased products. Cash donations will not be made.
· All requesting organizations must have a 501C(3) status and a Federal Tax ID#.
· Donation forms must be complete and contain the date of the event, tax ID number, type of event and a name, phone number and email address for the contact person. Incomplete forms will not be processed.
· All requests must be received at least 30 days prior to the date of event.
· Only one donation request will be accepted each calendar year.
· Political, denominational or partisan organizations
· Talent and beauty contests
· Sports sponsorships - teams or individuals
· Medical expenses
· Benefits for individuals